OpenAI Learns and Plays Hide and Seek…and Breaks The Game!

This is an amazing video to watch as OpenAI learns and plays hide and seek.  This is an easy way to understand how artificial intelligence learns.

We asked ChatGPT “Can openai learn how to play games?” This was the response:

Yes, it is possible for artificial intelligence (AI) systems developed by OpenAI, or any other organization, to learn how to play games. In fact, game-playing has been one of the key areas of focus for AI research, as it allows researchers to test and demonstrate the capabilities of their systems in a challenging and interactive environment.

There are several ways in which AI systems can learn how to play games, such as:

  1. Rule-based systems: These systems are programmed with the rules of the game and use them to make decisions.
  2. Machine learning: Machine learning algorithms can be trained to play games by learning from data generated through self-play or by observing the actions of human players.
  3. Neural networks: Neural networks, which are a type of machine learning algorithm, can be used to model the decision-making process of human players and learn to play games by observing and imitating their actions.

OpenAI has developed several AI systems that are capable of playing games, including the game-playing AI agent called AlphaGo, which was able to beat professional players at the complex board game Go.


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Artificial Intelligence Quotes

  • There’s a certain feeling that happens when a new technology adjusts your thinking about computing. Google did it. Firefox did it. AWS did it. iPhone did it. OpenAI is doing it with ChatGPT.” ~Aaron Levie
  • “If you go back a few hundred years, what we take for granted today would seem like magic – being able to talk to people over long distances, to transmit images, flying, accessing vast amounts of data like an oracle. These are all things that would have been considered magic a few hundred years ago.”  ~Elon Musk
  • “So the goal of OpenAI is really just to take the set of actions that are most likely to improve the positive futures.  Like, if you can think of like the future as a set of probability streams that branch out and then converge; collapse down to a particular event and then branch out again and there’s a certain set of probabilities associated with the future being positive and a different type flavors of that and at OpenAI we want to try to guide…  do whatever we can to increase the probability of the good futures happening.” ~Elon Musk
  • “We’re going to see advances in 2023 that people two years ago would have expected in 2033. It’s going to be extremely important not just for Microsoft’s future, but for everyone’s future.” ~Brad Smith
  • “Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.” ~Nick Bostrom
  • “I don’t want to really scare you, but it was alarming how many people I talked to who are highly placed people in AI who have retreats that are sort of ‘bug out’ houses, to which they could flee if it all hits the fan.” ~James Barrat
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