Inspiration and Motivation Quotes and Blogs.
Great collection of Motivation Quotes and Videos. “Need some inspiration and motivation? Try these free resources.” What are your favorite Motivation Quotes?

- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- 50 Entrepreneurs share priceless advice. Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Mark Cuban…
- 20 Lessons From 20 Women Worth Over $20 Million.
- 25 Top Leadership and Presidential Quotes.
- 50 Great Entrepreneurs share priceless advice. Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Mark Zuckerberg…
- A.G. Lafley, Former Chairman & CEO, P&G discussing open Innovation
- Apple CEO Tim Cook Delivers The 2017 MIT Commencement Speech.
- Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones.
“It is not too late to achieve your dreams.”

- Anthony Robbins: Change Your World View. Depression, divorce, out of control…
- Apple CEO Tim Cook Talks Steve Jobs, Apple Innovation and More.
- Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Motivational Speech. Don’t listen to the naysayers.
- Attitude Reflects Leadership. This video can be used in so many situations.
“Your only limit is you.”

- Be a Leader People Want to Work For.
- BEST!!! Business Motivation Watch Now – Success Stories (Oprah, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple).
- Best CEO Quotes – Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Henry Ford.
- Best Motivation Video – Never Give Up!
- Creation of a Team. Football & business.
“Make memories and enjoy life.”

- Dan Pink. The Puzzle of Motivation.
- Death Crawl scene from Facing the Giants. Very Popular.
- Denzel Washington’s Top 10 Rules For Success.
- Derek Sivers: How to start a movement. Starts with the first follower.
“Dream Big!!”

- Don’t let fear keep you from your dreams. Amazing story.
- Don’t let obstacles get in the way of your dreams. Rion Paige X FACTOR.
- Dream – Motivational Video.
- Elon Musk: How I Became The Real ‘Iron Man’.
“Fear is what keeps many people from achieving their dreams.” ~Dave Waters

- Employee Engagement – Who’s Sinking Your Boat?
- Famous Failures – Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey…
- Fear is what keeps us from our dreams – Motivational Video.
- First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy.
- FISH! Philosophy. Improve Employee Satisfaction, Retention, Morale and Relations with FISH!
- FORGET THE PAST – Motivational Video.
- Funniest Leadership Speech ever!
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

- Hard Times. Don’t Give Up – Motivational Video
- Henry Ford, Model T, and the Assembly Line.
- High Achiever Mindset – Do what the 99% are not doing.
- Homeless Boy Steals The Talent Show. Don’t ever let others ruin your dreams.
“Your dream is out there waiting for you. You just have to go out and get it.” ~Dave Waters

- How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks from Daniel H. Pink.
- Howard Schultz’s (CEO Starbucks) Top 10 Rules For Success
- I am a champion – the greatest coach speech ever.
- IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING – Motivational Video.
- Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo CEO. Doug McMillon, Walmart CEO.
- Ingvar Kamprad Quotes (founder of IKEA).
- Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
- Inspiration: Best Top 6 AMAZING Auditions | America’s Got Talent 2017
- Inspiration: Don’t give up. Keep trying. Mandy Harvey. America’s Got Talent.
“Do something today to make your dreams come true tomorrow.”

- Inspiration: High school player gives epic speech. Never give up.
- Inspiration: Look at yourself after watching this. No Arms, No Legs, No Problem.
- Inspirational Moments: Remember the Titans.
- Inspirational True Story. Don’t Give Up! Very popular video.
- Jack Welch: Create Candor in the Workplace.
- Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits.
- John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding.

- Large selection of business and motivation quotes in Powerpoint.
- Larry Ellison: Billionaire Samurai Warrior of Silicon Valley.
- Leadership Quotes by Presidents, CEOs, Coaches, Generals …
- Leadership With Simon Sinek: Serving Those Who Serve Others.
- Leading the World’s Largest Company. Two top Walmart Leaders.
- Legends – Motivational Video. Get comfortable with fear and failure.
- Management vs Leadership.
- Mark Cuban: How I Became a Billionaire.
- Mark Zuckerberg – Young Billionaire Entrepreneurs.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. – I Have A Dream Speech.

- Motivation – Bill Gates Speech at Harvard.
- Navy SEALs on how leadership defines a team.
- Need motivation? Rocky II – Rocky’s Run.
- Nicholas James Vujicic. No arms, No legs, No worries!

- ONE SHOT. Make your dreams come true. – Motivational Video.
- Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life and Leadership.
- Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things. We are all capable of extraordinary things.
- Peter Senge – Organizational Learning Expert.
- Powerful Inspirational true story…Don’t give up!
- Presidential Quotes: Eisenhower, Jefferson, Reagan, Rooselvelt, JFK, Truman.
- Programming your mind for success: Tedx Talks.
- PROVE THEM WRONG – Motivational Video.
- Quotes from the top CEOs of modern business.

- RETRAIN YOUR MIND – End Laziness.
- Richard Branson: Advice for Entrepreneurs.
- Richard Branson: How to Juggle Work and Life in Your Early Years.
- Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.
- Rocky Speech – Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.
- Sir Richard Branson talks about Virgin, space & what industry he will disrupt next.

- Small Business Advice – Donald Trump Dispenses 24 Great Business Tips For Entrepreneurs
- Star Wars Management blunders. The Galactic Empire: 5 Leadership Mistakes.
- Stephen Covey Video on Choosing Success.
- Steve Jobs – Inspirational Speech “If today were the last day of my life”
- Strive for Excellence in all things you do.
- Surprising truth about what motivates.
- Susan Boyle – Britains Got Talent. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
- Take The Time to Train Your Mind!
- THE GREATEST BUSINESS ADVICE: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet ….
- The Greatness Within ► Motivational Video.
- The Mindset of a Winner. Live your dreams.
- The Productivity Secret Of The Best Leaders.
- The Valedictorian Speech that will change your life.
- The Winning Mentality – Why 2% succeed and 98% don’t.

- Tony Robbins – The world will give you exactly what you ask of it.
- Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do.
- Top Business Guru Quotes.
- Why Do We Fall. Fear of Failure. If you want something, go get it.
- Unstoppable – Motivational Video.
- Video Review for the book Good To Great by Jim Collins.
- WAKE UP Motivational Speech.
- Who moved my Cheese? The Movie by Dr. Spencer Johnson.
- Why Do We Fall. Fear of Failure. If you want something, go get it.
- YOU WILL WIN. Make progress. Don’t quit.
- Zig Ziglar – Attitude makes all the difference.