Walmart CEO Doug McMillon Quotes.

Great collection of Doug Mcmillon quotes.  Doug McMillon became Walmart’s 5th CEO in 2014.  He has a great story of how he became CEO, definitey encourage people to do further research on him.

“It’s really simple: If you’re not meeting the wants and needs of the customer, you’re done. There’s not a lot of loyalty here.” ~Doug McMillon

“As a leader during transformation, you have to be out in front — show that you want to learn, be curious, introduce new ideas, ask questions.” ~Doug McMillon

“It’s clear to us that the status quo is unacceptable, congress and the administration should act. Given our decades of experience selling firearms, we are also offering to serve as a resource in the national debate on responsible gun sales.” ~Doug McMillon

“We could go away at any minute. I think most of us act that way every day. If you’re not willing to fail — and we are failing at some things — you’re going to go away.” ~Doug McMillon

“I think China is going to be a tremendous business opportunity, we continue to focus on being a strong regional business there.” ~Doug McMillon

“We’re going to make shopping with us faster, easier and more enjoyable. We’ll do more than just save customers money and you, our associates, will make the difference. Looking ahead, we will compete with technology, but win with people. We will be people-led and tech-empowered.” ~Doug McMillon

“I’m comfortable that we’ve got the appropriate wage investments to get the talent we need.” ~Doug McMillon

“We’re changing. We’re adapting. We continue to transform.” ~Doug McMillon

“Hand sanitizer is going to be very difficult to have 100% in stock for some time, we’re still replenishing it … but as soon as it hits the stores it’s going. The same thing is true for the other categories I mentioned.” ~Doug McMillon

“First, we will be a customer-driven company.  We’ve always said the customer is our boss and we’ll make decisions based on how we can serve them better.” ~Don McMillon

Quotes and Walmart Resources

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