The Best Drone Quotes.
- “The scary thing about the future… there will be tiny cameras everywhere, and they’ll be flying around like mosquitoes and drones. That will be bad. Drones are scary. You can’t reason with a drone.” ~Matt Groening
- “Drones will make 30 minute delivery possible.” ~Dave Waters
- “If we’re trying to build a world-class News Feed and a world-class messaging product and a world-class search product and a world-class ad system, and invent virtual reality and build drones, I can’t write every line of code. I can’t write any lines of code.” ~Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.
- “I predict that, because of artificial intelligence and its ability to automate certain tasks that in the past were impossible to automate, not only will we have a much wealthier civilization, but the quality of work will go up very significantly and a higher fraction of people will have callings and careers relative to today.” ~Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.
- “Amazon has overreached. In service of its fledgling drone delivery operation, Prime Air, Amazon appears to be planning to force communities to accept drone flights at any time of day or night – and is working overtime to ensure that states and cities cannot protect their residents from drones.” ~Robin Hayes
- “I think the greatest threat to the privacy of Americans is the drone, and the use of the drone and the very few regulations that are on it today, and the booming industry of commercial drones.” ~Dianne Feinstein
- “In the Age of the Almighty Computer, drones are the perfect warriors. They kill without remorse, obey without kidding around, and they never reveal the names of their masters.” ~Eduardo Galeano
- “Lets go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.” ~ Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc.
- “There are drones flying over the air randomly that are recording everything that’s happening on what we consider our private property. That type of technology has to stimulate us to think about what is it that we cherish in privacy, and how far we want to protect it and from whom.” ~Sonia Sotomayor
- “Drones overall will be more impactful than I think people recognize, in positive ways to help society.” ~Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.
- “Drones have the potential to drastically improve the last mile delivery times. Imagine ordering batteries and 30 minuters later they are delivered to the back yard.”
- “The truth is that, in trying to get at terrorists who are in countries that either are unwilling or unable to capture those terrorists or disable them themselves, there are a lot of situations where the use of a drone is going to result in much fewer civilian casualties and much less collateral damage than if I send in a battalion of marines.” ~Barack Obama
- “New ways to improve the supply chain: Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Big Data, Augmented Reality, Blockchain, Drones, Machine Learning.”
- “Drones will be rampant in supply chain. From taking inventory to delivering product, drones will make SCM more efficient.” ~Dave Waters
- “It’s so hard to go to war at home. Go to war, go home, repeat. And that is the future of warfare. Forget about remote control drones, there’s going to be remote control tanks.” ~Andrew Niccol
- “You need to put drones under control; you need to lay out certain rules of engagement in order to prevent or minimize collateral casualties. It is extremely important.” ~Vladimir Putin
- “Drones will reduce the workforce in logistics when it comes to delivering product to homes.” ~Dave Waters
Drone Research
- Amazon Drone Deliveries Will Save The Company Billions.
- Can delivery drones and robots make it in “the last mile”?
- Drones are growing into a $100 billion industry.
- Drones Could Change The Shipping Industry.
- How Amazon 30 Minute Delivery Works.
- How Amazon Drone Delivery Will Work.
- Supply Chain, Purchasing and Logistics Quotes.
- The Best Web 3.0 Quotes.
- What jobs will robots take in the near future
- 10 Passenger Drones and Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft
Drones in Supply Chain – Cheat Sheet.
Why Walmart And Alphabet Are Beating Amazon In Drone Delivery