The Best Blockchain Quotes.
This is a great collection of blockchain quotes from top minds. Blockchain is creating capabilities that were once impossible.
“There are a lot of really fabulous things that get done with digital assets and blockchain technologies to reduce friction, to reduce costs, and enable things that weren’t possible before.” ~Brad Garlinghouse
“The blockchain is a distributed network that solves all the problems that we have of finance, but more broadly, it’s like a philosophy. It’s a way of life.” ~Mike Cernovich
“Blockchain technology isn’t just a more efficient way to settle securities. It will fundamentally change market structures, and maybe even the architecture of the Internet itself.” ~Abigail Johnson
“Blockchain technology could change our world more than people imagine. Bitcoin, however, could be a bubble.” ~Jack Ma
“The blockchain cannot be described just as a revolution. It is a tsunami-like phenomenon, slowly advancing and gradually enveloping everything along its way by the force of its progression.” ~William Mougayar
“Has the Internet changed our lives? Have mobile phones changed our lives? The blockchain is something that is that transformative.” ~Brock Pierce
“You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.” ~Albert Einstein
“Blockchain provides supply chain capabilities that were not possible in the recent past.” ~Dave Waters

“You could imagine something like a completely automated system for renting bikes that’s just done completely over blockchain crypto-payments. And theoretically just sort of start it up, and it works completely autonomously.” ~Vitalik Buterin
“You’re going to start seeing open-source, self-executing contracts gradually improve over time. What the Internet did to publishing, blockchain will do to about 160 different industries. It’s crazy.” ~Patrick M. Byrne
“The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective.” ~Warren Buffett
“Blockchain verifies the information using the following steps: Consensus – it requires the majority of the block builders to agree that the occurrence actually happened. Consistency – requires that the new information fits with the previous block. Transaction – it requires that the transaction occurred by looking at the previous block, ensuring that two people did not record conflicting accounts of the information. Automated Conflict Identifiers – the software itself trolls for conflicts within the blocks and the structure. There is no centralized location, or big computer in the sky, where the information can be altered or stolen.” ~Jacob William
“There’s a way to do it better – find it.” ~Thomas A. Edison
“You could imagine something like a completely automated system for renting bikes that’s just done completely over blockchain crypto-payments. And theoretically just sort of start it up, and it works completely autonomously.” ~Vitalik Buterin.
“It’s money 2.0, a huge, huge, huge deal.” ~Chamath Palihapitiya
“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” ~Peter F. Drucker
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Quotes
“We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.” ~Tyler Winklevoss
“As revolutionary as it sounds, Blockchain truly is a mechanism to bring everyone to the highest degree of accountability. No more missed transactions, human or machine errors, or even an exchange that was not done with the consent of the parties involved. Above anything else, the most critical area where Blockchain helps is to guarantee the validity of a transaction by recording it not only on a main register but a connected distributed system of registers, all of which are connected through a secure validation mechanism.” ~Ian Khan
“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” ~Bill Gates.
“Online identity and reputation will be decentralized. We will own the data that belongs to us.” ~William Mougayar

“The following technologies provide supply chain capabilities that were not possible in the past: IoT, Big Data, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Augmented Reality.”
“The blockchain does one thing: It replaces third-party trust with mathematical proof that something happened.” ~Adam Draper
“In 30 years, a robot will likely be on the cover of Time Magazine as the best CEO. Machines will do what human beings are incapable of doing. Machines will partner and cooperate with humans, rather than become mankind’s biggest enemy.” ~Jack Ma