Collection of Blogs on Supply Chain Robotics and Automation.
In the next 5 years supply chain robotics and automation will streamline SCM in ways never thought impossible. Artificial Intelligence is a game changer. “Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, machine learning — whatever you’re doing if you don’t understand it — learn it. Because otherwise you’re going to be a dinosaur within 3 years.” ~Mark Cuban. Here is a list of supply chain resources organized by topic and supplier: Supply Chain Resources.
Supply Chain Robotics
- Blogs on self-driving cars, robots, and drones.
- BUILD THAT WALL – Bricklaying Robot Can Build Faster Than Humans.
- DHL Supply Chain Delivering Innovation through Vision Guided Vehicles.
- E-Commerce Retailer Doubles Warehouse Capacity with Robotic Goods to Person System.
- Future Manufacturing: Toyota Innovation, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence.
- Inside A Warehouse Where Thousands Of Robots Pack Groceries
- Motoman robots packing IKEA book cases.
- Ocado develops robotic hand to pick groceries for customers’ orders
- Ocado Technology has successfully trialed driverless grocery deliveries
- Robots And AI: The Future Is Automated And Every Job Is At Risk.
- Shipping Warehouse Automation Robots
- Smart Robots And Artificial Intelligence Will Transform America.
- The Construction Robots are Coming
- The Robot Revolution: The New Age of Manufacturing.
- The Robots Making Your Online Orders Faster.
Supply Chain Automation
- A 360° tour of Ocado’s automated warehouse.
- Blogs about Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Augmented Reality.
- Blogs on Artificial Intelligence Changing Supply Chain and Business
- Digital Supply Chain Basics – IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning…
- Future of the Digital Supply Chain.
- Introduction to Deep Learning Self-Driving Cars.
- Motoman robots packing IKEA book cases.
- Need Artificial Intelligence Training? Try these Resources.
- Smart Supply Chain: Leveraging IoT and Big Data.
- Superpick: The Autonomous Bin Picking, Sorting and Order Fulfillment Solution.
- Supply Chain IoT – Internet of Things.
- The Future of Trucking. Autonomous electric vehicles or something else.
- What is the Future of Self Driving Cars?
Quotes about Supply Chain Robotics and Automation
- “There are lots of examples of routine, middle-skilled jobs that involve relatively structured tasks, and those are the jobs that are being eliminated the fastest. Those kinds of jobs are easier for our friends in the artificial intelligence community to design robots to handle them. They could be software robots; they could be physical robots.” ~Erik Brynjolfsson
- “Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI (Artificial Intelligence) will transform in the next several years.” ~Andrew Ng
- “Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.” ~William Pollard
- “As a geek, I take umbrage at the notion that chips are not sexy. But yes, robots, drones, satellites and self-driving cars are the kinds of things that excite me.” ~Steve Jurvetson
- “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” ~Charles Darwin
- “The reason why it is so difficult for existing firms to capitalize on disruptive innovations is that their processes and their business model that make them good at the existing business actually make them bad at competing for the disruption.” ~Clayton Christensen
- “Game changers for supply chain automation: artificial intelligence, big data, 3D Printing, robotics, IoT, predictive analytics, autonomous vehicles.”
“In the next 5 years we will see supply chain robotics and automation turn industries upside down.”