Logistics Quotes.
Here are a few logistics quotes. Tell us your favorites.
“You will not find it difficult to prove that battles, campaigns, and even wars have been won or lost primarily because of logistics.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower.

“If supply chain had an arch enemy it would be called “Bad Communication.” ~Dave Waters
“Not only can AI improve civilian safety, it will vastly improve battlefield logistics, creating better scenarios for men and women in uniform.” ~Will Hurd
“The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

“Major changes are coming to logistics. In the near future you will order a product and 30 minutes later a drone will drop it off right outside your door.” ~SupplyChainToday.com.

“Self-driving vehicles, automatically choosing the most efficient route… Artificial Intelligence will dramatically improve logistics.” ~Dave Waters
“Logistics isn’t that important. Unless you are Walmart, Amazon, Alibaba, the military… :-)” ~SupplyChainToday.com. For those who don’t get sarcasm that is what this one is about. Logistics is IMPORTANT!!

“Today’s leading real-world retailer, Wal-Mart, uses software to power its logistics and distribution capabilities, which it has used to crush its competition.” ~Marc Andreessen
“Without logistics the world stops.” ~Dave Waters
“The line between disorder and order lies in logistics.” ~ Sun Tzu.

“As someone who flew two space capsules and twice landed in the ocean, I can attest from personal experience how much logistics work is needed to get you home.” ~Buzz Aldrin
“Supply chains are everywhere. From the biggest company in the world to running your household. We all have SCM experience even if we don’t know it.” ~Dave Waters.
“Residential drone delivery is being tested by a variety of companies. From delivery packages to delivering pizza, it is in the near future.” ~ SupplyChainToday.com.

“Leader win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics.” ~Tom Peters
“Supply Chain is like nature, it is all around us.” ~Dave Waters