How Serious is the Coronavirus? Infectious Disease Expert Michael Osterholm Explains.
Great coronavirus video talking about the seriousness of this pandemic. Joe Rogan and infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm have a frank discussion. With the NBA suspending their season indefinitely, this made many people understand the seriousness of the coronavirus. This is going to cost the NBA millions of dollars so the decision was not made lightly. Conferences across the United States are being cancelled. Airlines, hotels and cruise lines are scrambling because people are cancelling their trips.
Pandemic Stories
- Apple’s Supply Chain – Coronavirus.
- Collection of COVID-19 Quotes.
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- Supply Chain Master: Professor Hau Lee on the bullwhip effect.
- Teamwork Quotes.
- The coronavirus impact on Apple.
- Youtube: Trump outlines U.S. response to coronavirus outbreak, restricts travel from Europe.
Coronavirus Quotes
- “Assume this [COVID-19] virus is everywhere….The President was not lying when he got up in front of the country and described the small number of cases we had confirmed. That was true, but did it reflect the reality of what was happening? Absolutely not.” ~Dr. Michael Osterholm.
- “Now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries, the threat of a pandemic has become very real.” ~Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
- “The coronavirus will make Amazon, Walmart and Costco much stronger than what they were previously.” ~Dave Waters.
- “If you’re asking for when the financial markets see peak virus, I think it’ll be about a month from now.” ~Kyle Bass.
- “This is a very important contribution to understanding both the natural history of COVID-19 clinical disease as well as the public health implications of viral shedding…. Early and potentially highly efficient transmission of the virus occurs before clinical symptoms or in conjunction with the very first mild symptoms.” ~Dr. Michael Osterholm.
- “The coronavirus has the potential to greatly accelerate the usage of robots and artificial intelligence throughout the supply chain.” ~Dave Waters
- “People you trust, people you probably voted for, have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.” ~Tucker Carlson.
- WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have listed a number of actions people can take to help prevent the virus from spreading. Follow this link for further information.