Blogs on self-driving cars, robots, and drones disrupting the supply chain.
- Autonomous car safety. What are the risks?
- Battle of the Robot Armies – Jeff Bezos vs Elon Musk.
- Blogs about Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Augmented Reality.
- Collection of Self Driving Car Research and Training.
- Delivery Drones – DHL steals UPS thunder.
- How Boston Dynamics Built The Most Advanced Robot.
- Introduction to Deep Learning Self-Driving Cars.
- Quotes and Training about Self-Driving Cars.
- Robot army helps run warehouses.
- Self-driving Lyft first ride.
- Stephen Hawking’s Presents Amazon Robotics.
- The Future of Trucking. Autonomous electric vehicles or something else.
- The World’s Smartest Autonomous Car (NOT A Tesla).
- Uber buys big rig company in self-driving tech push.
- Uber Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery.
- UPS Has a Mother-Truck of a Delivery Drone Idea.
- Waymo CEO John Krafcik talks self-driving cars.
- Waymo self-driving cars are here.
- What a driverless world could look like? Ted Talks.
- What is the Future of Self Driving Cars?
- Will the Tesla Electric Semi Truck Deliver on promises?
Autonomous Vehicles Quotes
Waymo self-driving cars are here
The Rise of Self Driving Trucks
How Self Driving Trucks Can Improve Logistics.
Why The EV Industry Has A Massive Supply Problem.
How Tesla’s Battery Mastermind Is Tackling EVs Biggest Problem
Quotes about self-driving cars and robots.
- I think we see the merging of several worlds, the tech industry, the internet and the automotive industry. These two worlds merging is like a smart phone on wheels, or you can say it’s a car that has many of the capabilities of smart phones and computers and so on.” ~Dieter Zetsche
- “If you recognize that self-driving cars are going to prevent car accidents, AI will be responsible for reducing one of the leading causes of death in the world.” ~Mark Zuckerberg
- “Connectivity offers a great opportunity for General Motors. When you look at the investment we have made in OnStar and putting 4GLT in and the access you have to not only put data in, and we haven’t really tapped into the data you can use from the vehicle.” ~Mary Barra, GM CEO.
- “Labor accounts for 75% of the cost of transporting shipments by truck, so adopters can begin to realize those savings. Beyond that, while truckers are prohibited from driving more than 11 hours per day without taking an eight-hour break, a driverless truck can drive for the entire day.” ~Ryan Petersen
- “Deep Learning will change the lives of all of us. What is Deep Learning? It’s behind what makes self-driving cars a reality.” ~Dave Waters
- “As Waymo’s self-driving technology becomes smarter and more capable, its high-performance hardware and software will require even more powerful and efficient compute. Intel’s collaboration with Waymo ensures Intel will continue its leading role in helping realize the promise of autonomous driving and a safer, collision-free future.” ~Brian Krzanich
“The vehicles will be full self-driving. So you have your own personal space where you can sit back and relax.” ~John Krafcik, CEO Waymo.

“I can drive this thing and I have no idea how to drive a semi.” ~Elon Musk

“We believe the Tesla semi will deliver a substantial reduction in the cost of cargo, while increasing safety…” ~Elon Musk

“Don’t let the digital supply chain scare you. Big Data, IoT, cloud, AI, drones and deep learning are just ways to improve the supply chain.”

“Do you remember when you were a kid, and Christmas Eve, it was so exciting, you weren’t sure what was going to be downstairs? Well, it’s going to be Christmas Eve for a while.” ~Tim Cook