Journey of Coffee – Blockchain Supply Chain Process.
A supply chain process for coffee using blockchain technology might involve the following steps:
- Coffee beans are grown and harvested on a farm. Sensors on the farm collect data about the growing conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and soil pH. This data is recorded on the blockchain.
- The coffee beans are processed and packaged at a facility. Data about the processing and packaging, such as the date, time, and equipment used, is recorded on the blockchain.
- The packaged coffee is shipped to a warehouse, where it is stored until it is ready to be shipped to a retailer. The movement of the coffee through the supply chain is tracked using blockchain technology.
- The retailer receives the coffee and places it on their shelves. Customers can scan a QR code on the package to access information about the coffee’s journey through the supply chain, including data about the growing conditions and processing methods.
- When a customer purchases the coffee, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain. This can help to ensure that the retailer is paid promptly and that the farmer receives a fair price for their coffee.
Overall, using blockchain technology in the coffee supply chain can help to improve transparency, traceability, and accountability, while also providing a more seamless and efficient process for all parties involved.
Journey of Coffee
Blockchain Technology Is Helping Farmers Be More Sustainable.
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Blockchain Training
Smart contracts on a blockchain – Supply Chain Today
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Digital Supply Chain Basics – IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning
Supply Chain and Emerging Technology Quotes
- “We’ll all look back in 20 years and conclude that Bitcoin was as influential a platform for innovation as the Internet itself was.” ~Marc Andreessen
- “Be a supply chain innovator. Research Internet of Things (IoT); Machine Learning; Deep Learning, Big Data, Blockchain, Drones, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence…”
- “Information is power, and the gain you get from empowering your associates more than offsets the risk of informing your competitor.” ~ Sam Walton, made Walmart Logistics a key differentiator.
- “Supply chain is in the crawling stage of using artificial intelligence. In the next 5 years AI will revolutionize supply chain in ways most people haven’t even though of yet.” ~Dave Waters
- “Online identity and reputation will be decentralized. We will own the data that belongs to us.” ~William Mougayar
- “New ways to improve the supply chain: Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Big Data, Augmented Reality, Blockchain, Drones, Machine Learning.”
- “I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do. One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out.” ~ Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and a Supply Chain Innovator.
- “Is blockchain just another buzzword or is it the future of the digital supply chain.”
- “Leader win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics.” ~ Tom Peters
“I didn’t understand IoT, Big Data or Blockchain when I first heard these terms. Learn about them or get left behind.”