How Toyota Changed Manufacturing – Lean Thinking.

This is a good foundation on how Toyota manufacturing changed the way the world makes product.  The Toyota Production System (TPS) is what makes Toyota vehicles such high quality.  For instance, any employee could stop the manufacturing line if a problem was discovered by pulling the Andon Cord.  If the manufacturing line stops it decreases productivity in the short term but by fixing the problem it increases productivity in the long term.  Toyota is all about the long term. 

Toyota Production System.

Toyota has been credited with revolutionizing manufacturing through the development and implementation of the lean production system, which is also known as the Toyota Production System (TPS). The TPS was developed by Toyota engineer Taiichi Ohno and is based on the principles of lean thinking, which emphasizes the continuous improvement of processes and the elimination of waste.

The TPS is a set of principles and practices that focus on maximizing value for the customer while minimizing waste in the production process. It is based on the following key principles:

  1. Respect for people: The TPS is based on the belief that all employees, regardless of their role, can contribute to the improvement of processes and products.
  2. Continuous improvement: The TPS emphasizes the need for continuous improvement and encourages all employees to identify and eliminate waste in their work processes.
  3. Pull production: The TPS utilizes a pull production system in which production is based on customer demand, rather than on forecasted demand. This helps to minimize waste and reduce inventory levels.
  4. Standardized work: The TPS emphasizes the importance of standardizing work processes to ensure consistency and efficiency.
  5. Visual management: The TPS utilizes visual management techniques, such as Kanban systems, to communicate and track production and inventory levels.

Overall, Toyota’s TPS has had a significant impact on manufacturing and has been widely adopted by other companies around the world. It has helped to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and increase customer satisfaction.

Lean Manufacturing Quotes

  • “Many people think that Lean is about cutting heads, reducing the work force or cutting inventory. Lean is really a growth strategy. It is about gaining market share and being prepared to enter in or create new markets.” ~Ernie Smith
  • “Andon works only when you teach your employees the importance of bringing problems to the surface so they can be quickly solved.” ~Jeffrey K. Liker
  • “Call it lean, call it six sigma, call it continuous improvement… what matters is that you get better every day.  Don’t know how to start?  Go ask the people doing the work what would help them with their jobs.  Be open minded.  It is about the people doing the work, it isn’t about you.” ~Dave Waters
  • “The Most Dangerous Kind of Waste is the Waste we don’t Recognise.” ~Shigeo Shingo

Take the Quotes and Learn More

  • “All we are doing is looking at the time line, from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collection the cash. And we are reducing the time line by reducing the non-value adding wastes.” ~Taiichi Ohno, Father of the Toyota Production System.
  • “You can’t do kaizen just once or twice and expect immediate results. You have to be in it for the long haul.” ~Masaaki Imai
  • “Practice the philosophy of continuous improvement. Get a little bit better every single day.”  ~Brian Tracy
  • “Without a Standard, there is no logical basis for decision making or taking action.” ~Joseph M. Juran
  • “Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle, a cornerstone of continuous improvement. The Japanese term for continuous improvement is kaizen and is the process of making incremental improvements, no matter how small, and achieving the lean goal of eliminating all waste that adds cost without adding to value.” ~Jeffrey K. Liker
  • “When you are out observing on the gemba, do something to help them. if you do, people will come to expect that you can help them and will look forward to seeing you again on the gemba.” ~Taiichi Ohno.
  • “There are many experts on how things have been done up to now. If you think something could use a little improvement, you are the expert.” ~Robert Breault

Toyota Manufacturing and Lean Principles

Toyota Supply Chain

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