How do machines learn.
Very popular video explaining in simple terms how machines learn. If you aren’t sure what is machine learning watch this video. Machine learning is a game changer for business. After watching this 9 minute video you will have a fairly good understand of how machines learn. “Robots took the jobs of factory workers. Artificial Intelligence will take the jobs of office workers.”
Machines learn by being trained on data. The data is used to create a model that can be used to make predictions or decisions. There are many different ways to train a machine learning model, but the most common methods are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.
- Supervised learning is the most common type of machine learning. In supervised learning, the machine is given labeled data. This means that the data has been tagged with the correct answer. The machine learns by looking at the labeled data and trying to find patterns. Once the machine has found patterns, it can use them to make predictions about new data.
- Unsupervised learning is used when there is no labeled data. In unsupervised learning, the machine is given unlabeled data. The machine learns by trying to find patterns in the data. Once the machine has found patterns, it can use them to cluster the data or to identify outliers.
- Reinforcement learning is used when the machine is rewarded for making good decisions and punished for making bad decisions. In reinforcement learning, the machine learns by trial and error. The machine starts by making random decisions and then learns from the feedback it receives.
The type of machine learning method that is used depends on the problem that the machine is trying to solve. For example, supervised learning is often used for classification problems, where the goal is to predict a category for a new data point. Unsupervised learning is often used for clustering problems, where the goal is to group data points together based on their similarities. Reinforcement learning is often used for control problems, where the goal is to learn how to control a system to achieve a desired outcome.
Machine learning is a powerful tool that can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and efficient ways to use machine learning to improve our lives.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Quotes.
- The field of Artificial Intelligence is set to conquer most of the human disciplines; from art and literature to commerce and sociology; from computational biology and decision analysis to games and puzzles.” ~Anand Krish
- “Artificial Intelligence will be rampant in the digital supply chain” ~Dave Waters
- “One of our big goals in search is to make search that really understands exactly what you want, understands everything in the world. As computer scientists, we call that artificial intelligence.” ~Larry Page
- “Self-driving vehicles, automatically choosing the most efficient route… Artificial Intelligence will dramatically improve logistics.” ~Dave Waters
- “Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn’t matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped onto the other (the computer).” ~George Johnson
- “The ultimate search engine would understand everything in the world. It would understand everything that you asked it and give you back the exact right thing instantly. You could ask ‘what should I ask Larry?’ and it would tell you.” ~Larry Page
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Resources.
- AI and Machine Learning Basics.
- AI and Machine Learning – Disruption in Business.
- Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning – is your job at risk.
- Best Artificial Intelligence Quotes.
- Elon Musk Artificial Intelligence Destroys Champion Gamer.
- Elon Musk Quotes.
- Google DeepMind Artificial Intelligence
- Intro to Deep Learning – How to Make a Prediction.
- Machine Learning Introduction.
- Machine Learning Video Games.
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“Machine learning will automate jobs that most people thought could only be done by people.” ~Dave Waters