The Best 3D Printing Quotes.
“3D printing will massively reduce the cost of certain products as the cost of labor is removed.” ~Peter Diamandis
“3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry, enabling us to build homes faster, more affordably, and with less waste.” ~Behrokh Khoshnevis, Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California
“Learn how a 3D printer works. Get inspired. Make your own stuff. It is a wonderful time to be innovative. Connect things together. If youre into electronics, get an Arduino.” ~Bre Pettis
“Want to watch a beautiful process? Search “3D printed home” on youtube and click one of the videos. It’s like squeezing toothpaste from a tube. Such a simple idea with astonishing opportunities.” ~Dave Waters
“3D printing will change the world by allowing for mass customization and on-demand production.” ~Avi Reichental
“3D printing represents the democratization of manufacturing. It allows anyone to create anything, anywhere, at any time.” ~Neil Harbisson
“The speed and flexibility that 3D printing enables is a useful tool that can facilitate first-to-market opportunities and validation of larger production demand.” ~Carl Dekker
“Traditional construction, you know the rules, you know the game, you know the material properties, the material behavior. In here, everything is new. The material is new, although concrete is an old material in general, but 3D printing concrete is something new.” ~Hikmat Zerbe
“3D printing is already shaking our age-old notions of what can and can’t be made. ~Hod Lipson
“In terms of sustainability, finding the appropriate environmentally friendly material for this technology remains the biggest challenge associated with 3D-printed construction.” ~Mallikarjuna Nadagouda
“3D printing is a game-changer for design, engineering, and manufacturing.” ~Terry Wohlers
“3D printing has the potential to democratize housing, making it possible for more people to afford to own their own homes.” ~Jason Ballard
“3D printing is a game-changer for product development, allowing for faster and more efficient prototyping and manufacturing.” ~John Kawola
“3D printing has digitized the entire manufacturing process.” ~Peter Diamandis
“3D printed homes will disrupt the housing industry. There are so many benefits that come with 3D printing homes.” ~Dave Waters
“With 3D printing, we can actually create structures that are more intricate than any other manufacturing technology – or, in fact, are impossible to build any other way.” ~Lisa Harouni
“3D printing is the future of manufacturing, and it’s happening now.” ~Chris Anderson
“The next episode of 3D printing will involve printing entirely new kinds of materials. Eventually we will print complete products – circuits, motors, and batteries already included. At that point, all bets are off.” ~Hod Lipson
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3D Printing Resources
Here’s what the first 3D-printed home for sale looks like
3D Printer Making Face Shields Protecting Hospital Workers From Coronavirus